
Vate is an electronic music producer that works with very different genres inside electronic music, such as electro, ambient and sound experimentation. He has released numerous albums and EPs over more than two decades, as well as soundtracks and remixes.

His collaborations include artists and groups such as Plot (Josep Gonzalez), Marasma Zibra, Galo TobíasMATIC, 33Canales, Art-Mirall, Discos Konfort, Manuel Neztic, Binaria, Filtro, Nortec Collective (Fussible), Zan Hoffman, Sergi Saldaña, Deus ex Machina, and Minuit de Lacroix.

Most part of his production is available through the Vate label and other labels such as Discos Konfort, Sango Music, Socsub or Breathe Compilations.

See the full discography.


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