“Figuras rotas” compiles music made for the film by Galo Tobías, a soundtrack inspired by moving images and an abstract narrative. It also includes tracks made for “Cinco poemas sobre ...
http://vimeo.com/87182210 “Cinco poemas sobre fotogramas tristes” is a series of video poems made on a several year span photographic project in wich many old film negatives were compiled and reconverted ...
[tracklisting id=”1465″] Umbra is the follow up of Vitam. It is the soundtrack for the film “Sombras” Galo Tobias. This time, the album has a dark ambient tone and it ...
A selection of 30 frames extracted from the last movie and short film by Galo Tobías, performance by Teo Martinez and Minuit de Lacroix. Music theme: “Ankhos”, by Vate https://vimeo.com/8813635